.藝術家:Jake Bugg 




.不負責分類: 60's民謠風/藍調/pop 


⊙  Two Fingers (兩根手指)

I drink to remember, I smoke to forget

Some things to be proud of some stuff to regret

Run down some dark alleys in my own head

Something is changing, changing, changing

I go back to Clifton to see my old friends

The best people I could ever have met

Skin up  a fat one, hide from the Feds

Something is changing, changing, changing

So I kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain

Light a cigarette and wish the world away

I got out, I got out, I'm alive and I'm here to stay

So I hold two fingers up to yesterday

Light a cigarette and smoke it all away

I got out, I got out, I'm alive but I'm here to stay

He's down in the kitchen drinking White Lightning

He's with my momma, they're yelling and fighting

It's not the first time praying for silence

Something is changing, changing, changing
( 一切會轉變,改變,轉變)

So I kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain

Light a cigarette and wish the world away

I got out, I got out, I'm alive but I'm here to stay

So I hold two fingers up to yesterday

Light a cigarette and smoke it all away

I got out, I got out, I'm alive but I'm here to stay

There's a story for every corner of this place

Running so hard you got out but your knees got grazed

I'm an old dog but I learned some new tricks yeah

So I kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain

Light a cigarette and wish the world away

I got out I got out I'm alive but I'm here to stay

So I hold two fingers up to yesterday

Light a cigarette and smoke it all away

I got out I got out I'm alive but I'm here to stay

Hey, hey it's fine

Hey, hey it's fine

Hey, hey it's fine

I left it behind

⊙ 不負責翻譯心得:

▼ Skin up:To skin up is to roll a joint(【俚】大麻煙
), using one or more skins (rolling papers). 

▼   Clifton:很多國家都有 Clifton這個地名,根據影片第一幕很明顯是Jake Bugg的家鄉,此處應是指位於英國中部的Clifton, Nottingham,就來一睹這別緻小鎮的風景吧!

▼   Live版的"鄉音"很重,而且每個字都唱得很用力,有點咬牙切齒,這算是所謂字正腔圓嗎?這是大合唱版本。

▼ 這篇應該也錯誤很多(菸...),至少我學到了joint這個單字的"生活用法",附上帥氣憂鬱Jake Bugg示範抽菸

    創作者 chih317 的頭像

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